The name of the Gods who created man.
The names Sheva, Brahman and Vishnu are the names of a triune of Gods that are said to belong to Hinduism. We should consider that these names have been Romanized and Anglicized which simply means the letters and sounds of the words are in European or Mediterranean.
Another Group of Gods associated to the creation of the universe are all associated to the elements of the Universe such as the planets, stars, light, dark mater and waters in space. In the land that the bible names as Ham/Cham/Kam the pantheon of Gods are named the Ogdoad and the Ennead. One group is solar and the other is lunar, there is another group of Gods named the great five. They can be found in most books about the Nile civilization.
Ancient Symbols and Ancient Names
Many of the ancient symbols associated to these Gods are now European letters but you can find the symbols and images of these names in many books as well as various on internet websites or museums across Europe or Arab Egypt. I suggest using the internet as a reference to confirm what you read or your theories.
The Bible Monotheism or Polytheism
Jehovah did not create man because Jehovah is one God and Genesis 1:27 says "Let Us make man in our image", Genesis 1:27 represents polytheism not Judaism or monotheism.
Genesis 1:27 does not apply to Judaism or Islam and therefore must apply to a spiritual system that is older than both. Based on my study of the ancient Nile civilization Genesis 1 is rooted in a division of either Hinduism or Buddhism.
John 1:1 is parallel to the creation story of what is called the Ogdoad and can be seen in many books about Egypt, Nubia and Kush.
Throughout the bible the term US refers to God or the Lord God and the translators use the European words of Lord, Lord God and God which could refer to humans who are respected Gods in the flesh (meaning God in a human body. In Genesis 3 the Lord God odentifies asa part of a pantheon of Gods; They will become like us!
There are other names of creator God that can be found in the spiritual system of the Pharaohs such as the first Gods ( what the Greeks would identify as the Titans seen as the men of renown in Genesis 6 who seemingly were conquered by another group of Gods in Genesis 7 (the Greeks would call them the Olympians)
Ancient Religious Systems and the bible
The names of the Hindu Gods are identified as the creator, the protector and the destroyer. Take note that in Exodus the Lord God uses the term my destroyer and the star of David is also known as the Shatkona of Hinduism and the Japanese Kagome.
Researching Hinduism you might run into a road block that states Hinduism was created by Indo Aryans but based on the culture of Asia, symbols of Hinduism, the Pharaohs and movies about tribes of Ancient America, the pyramids of the America, the Olmecs and the divisions of Hinduism these symbols of Hinduism are are older than Indo Aryans.
Click on this link for the names of books used as reference for this blog