Saturday, July 27, 2019

Who are the Egyptians of the Bible

Was Egypt ruled by Negros? 

   Egypt is located in Africa which is the home of a group of tribes called Negroes. I believe the original descendants migrated from a region in Ethiopia or Kenya along the Nile river. 
I was surprised when I read that their were over thirty dynasties of  Pharaohs on record that ruled for at least over 3000 years. First appearing in the bible in the same chapter as  Abraham was called by God and whose continual rule ended with the old testament.  Another surprise was finding out most of the Pharaohs were from African tribes.

  After thousands of years of 
native rule including Persia, Alexander the Great conquered Asia and Egypt after he died the Kingdom was split amongst his generals, the Ptolemies and Seleucids of which the Ptolomies (Cleopatras family) received Egypt and Nubia between the old and new testaments. They then assimilated the culture of these African people. This could explain the European features  of some of the African saints, Gods and heros. 

  The word Egypt is a Greco-Rome translation of the  word Hakyptah defined as home or house of the spirit of Ptah (Fatah/Father). This name could also include the names of the following ancient African tribes. The Akan (G), Ewe -Awa(Y) & Ifi -Afa (F) people.  Egypt was made up of three regions the Delta region is named Tamahu  The middle region Tashemau & the upper near Nubia names TaSeti.  At some period in history each region had a chief. 

   It is said that these people spoke different languages but I believe they spoke the same languages but with different dialects.  For example, the people of Britain have a different dialect than the people of Australia and the people of Australia have a different dialect than the Dutch people. Same language but different pronunciations of words.

   Most history books state  Egypt is the cradle of modern civilization but when the Europeans came to that conclusion were they aware that the Arabians living in the region or the Greeks who used to live in Egypt were not the original inhabitants of Egypt? 
Prior to becoming Greek and Arabic, Egypt was an African culture in the same manner of Nubi, Kush, Kenya and the tribes of the Nile civilizations. Ancient African culture practicing  inclusiveness, festivals, equality, the secular and spiritual, religious freedom to serve your deities where human rights were respected.  

The Egyptians believed this way of life originated from the teachings of the African primordial who had many names. Osirus/Ysura, Yrys,  Orysha the Naka, Naga, Khemty. This culture of kindness & benevolence and equality could have been older but he could have set the stage to end human sacrifice with replacement for instance dolls instead of humans and children. Not every ancient tribe in Ancient Africa or the ancient world practiced equality or free will. Some older tribes believed in monotheism and a harsher rule based on commandments as opposed to principals. 

Some paid homage to deities that were older and some may have required a blood sacrifice. With that said they all exercised  charity but had different ways of administering it. The tribes of the Nile who lived in Egypt abolished the practice of human sacrifice, they were civilized, they welcomed strangers, the homeless, the hungry, they were viewed as peacemakers but did this way of life cause their down fall just like the native tribes of North America, South America and the islands did the tribes of Masaram travel across the world?   

All information is subject to change. Please contact me for any information you feel is inaccurate. 

Click this link for my sources & references.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019


  Welcome to the bible and history, a study of the bible.  Please listen to the videos above and below for more details about the group and some of my references. 

I am one of the administrators, a former Sunday School teacher and a student of the bible and history. The goal is to strengthen your bible knowledge and explore the bible through eyes of the ancient world of Africa, the first civilization of the world. There will be times when we will use this blog to provide more details. 

 Below is a list of the books and other sources I have read during the past 16 years during some life altering events.

Thank you to my mother Carolyn for gifting me bibles over many birthdays even though she thought my request were odd. Thank you, Mom, for the big white Bible that I used to read in the midnight hours as a child and for the world book encyclopedias. Thank you, Mom! You will live in my heart forever!

  • Archeological Bible
  • The Open Bible King James versions published 1990's
  • KJV 1611 Original online
  • Bible Gate Way (Online)
  • Ancient Egypt for young people -Geraldine Harris
  • Nations of Africa -The Diagram Group
  • Babylonia to Timbuktu
  • Ancient Greece - Gulliver Books
  • Ancient Egypt - Gulliver Books
  • Judaism - Gulliver Books
  • Origins of African Civilization - Cheikh Anta Diop ·
  • African Origins of Major World Religions -Yosef Ben Jochanono
  • World History for Dummies
  • Ancient Egypt -Lorna Oakes
  • Pre-Colonial Black Africa - Cheikh Anta Diop
  • Bible as History - Wener Keller
  • The Religious Book - Jim Whites
  • Shephards Notes - Bible Study Series
  • The Egyptians - Cyril Aldred
  • The Pharoahs of Ancient Egypt - Elizabeth Payne
  • Wilkipedia
  • Ancient Egypt (Online)
  • The Third Jesus - Deepak Choprah
  • Egypt of the Pharoahs - Brenda Smith
  • World Religion for Dummies
  • Stolen Legacy - George James
  • Egypt Dictionaries & Civilizations - Alessia Fassone, Enrico Ferraris 
  • China Dictionaries and Civilizations  Alexandria Witzel
  • Africa Dictionaries and Civilizations - Ivan Bargna 
  • Greek Dictionaries and Civilizations -Stefania Ratto
  • Rome Dictionaries and Civilizations - Ada Gabucci, Simona Schultz
  • Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
  • The Handy History Book
  • Zealot - Reza Asian
  • Lao Tzu - Hua-Ching Ni
  • Ancient Egypt - Lorna Oakes 
  • 1619 Project - Nikole Hannah-Jones 
  • Black Gods of the Metropolis: Negro Religious Cults of the Urban North -Arthur Huff Fauset
  • Lies my teacher told me -   James W. Loewen
  • Movie - Ceedo - Ceddo  also known as The Outsiders Ousmane Sembène
  • Dvd - Africa's Great Civilizations - Prof Henry Louis Gates
  • DVD - Black in Latin America
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