We first see the word man in the first chapter of the book of Genesis 1. The word Adam first appears in Genesis chapter 2. Does this mean Adam and the man are different?
In most ancient or non-English versions of the bible there is more than one Adam, Genesis 1 says Adam named the animals, another Adam slept and this could mean the Adams, the man, and the male are different species. Consider the word Adam could also be a translated from the word Atom - which is assoicated to particles and molecules. see my blog topic - translations for more details.
When studying Genesis 2:20 the ancient definitions of the word him, could help to determine if the Adams are the same. A bible concordance along with the King James Version should help in this study.
The Adam who gave names in - Genesis 2:20 and
The Adam that was unusual different.
In other languages and ancient text, the Adam who named the animals is defined as a strong man, and named the Okunrin, the ninkii ( a hero) and the Arama-he.
The Adam with no suitable mate (help meet for him), who was put to slept or died is defined as an ancestor spirit.
One thing to take note is the KJV uses the phrase "there was not found a help meet for him" the writer uses help meet not Help mate. Help meet and help mate are different and help mate can be defined as someone to help you or help meet can be defined as not being compatible. Helpmeet in this passage means there was no one like him/her, nothing compatible to match with. Some text use the term kuhaboon- which means (suited fit) for this Adam it could also be defined as Baboon. Meaning the first Adam who named the animals is a different species than the second Adam who had no help meet. It is also defined as double or mixed.
The Adam that Slept
Genesis 2:21-22, I am going to begin with 21st verse. This Adam who slept is the unisex.

Genesis 2:21 A rib was removed, from the unisex - Adam. This bone was either a baby, something that the Bible says was built, meaning nurtured. The twist is the word used for rib in certain ancient text is defined as being semi divine, The iha, the naag ka.?
This Adam who slept is called the Adamu or ko Arama (ia?), the Somali uses the term ninkii looma, and the Adae (ancestor spirit), these words define something double or mixed.
Other ancient text define the him in this passage as unisex. Words like the word ire, (African) defines the ire as unisex, the Maori uses the word Mona which means (male sometimes female) and Latin uses the word ejus defined as (his, her).
If the Adam that died in Genesis 2:20 was an ancestor; other languages use the Egungun (ancestor), the ejus, the Adae (ancestor spirit), then the rib (baby) that was taken from this androgynous being would carry the androgynous gene of the ancestor.
Based on biology some or one of the Adams carried an androgynous gene and it is in every species of Adam.
Ancient words have meaning when read from the left or the right. When read from the right to the left the Egungun is defined as celestial (sacred). I don't know what this means yet... keep checking this blog for updates and changes.
Ancient words have meaning when read from the left or the right. When read from the right to the left the Egungun is defined as celestial (sacred). I don't know what this means yet... keep checking this blog for updates and changes.
The Adam (unisex) that died would be honored by the ancient people because ancient tribes honored their ancestors. A word called veneration!
Genesis 2:22 the text says the rib was taken from the man. In other languages the word man in this text is the egungun as well as ninka, Arama hei, and the latin tulerat de Adam meaning Fero which means undetermined sex. I don't know why the KJV uses the word man but there must be a reason.
In this text the first time the rib is called woman and the word for woman in other languages is naag ka (semi divine)
I did a parallel study on Genesis 2:20 and the Latin, Jewish, Maori. Somali, African and bible hub Greek. Some of them use different words for the Adams. One is Adam the other is Adae or Adee. The OJB uses lower case Adam and then Upper case Adam, in other text the words are the Okunrin and Ninkii. One of them is considered an ancestor. I looked up the word for the rib was taken from a deceased Adam/Adae, there was no help meet (equal) to this particular Adam and in my mind that means this Adam was different. God took the bone and built it (nourished) it. I have found definitions in ancient text for the word him some of them are defined as male/female or unisex.
Let me know what you find out.
Adamu - some old African tribes
Arama - Maori
Ninki - Somalie
babylonia - sumerian -akkadian
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