Saturday, February 8, 2020

Europeans and the old testament

  The setting of the bible is in Africa and Asia yet the world continues to display images of people in the old testament as Europeans or Greek. Where are the Europeans in the old testament?

Depicting biblical characters of the old testament as Europeans or Greeks is factually inaccurate and misleading. There may have been people with a variety of skin colors in the old testament but did the people in the old testament have rose or alabaster colored skin and straight hair

We cannot continue to view people of Asia a Japanese or Chinese we must include the first people of India those with brown and darker skin types as Asian as well because India is in Asia. 

What was the physical features of the first people of AfricaI believe European rule and civilization began  towards the end of the old testament. That would be millions of years after some African tribes were a fully developed humane civilization but did Caucasians evolve in AFRICA and if they did who is their ancestor? 

The word Caucasian includes the word Asian and scientists claim Asians and Caucasians are part Neanderthal. Scientist state all modern humans were in AFRICA but what happened to the skin color of the Modern Asians and Europeans?  Why is their skin pale, hair straight and the sun an enemy? 

Why does their hair grow downward and people of African decent grow upward? African hair is natural tight coils while pale skinned Asian hair has no natural coil while Caucasians and mixed breed have loose coils and straight hair.
Should we consider Albinism when imagining biblical figures? Should we consider hairstyles?

Was Samson Caucasian or Asian  and how do you define an Asian? Do Asians have the same physical features? No they don't therefore why are tge Asian and Caucasians said to ve part Neanderthal? What do they have in common? 

How is it possible for all mankind to descend from Noah? Noah is descendant from Seth who was said to be the likeness and image of his father Adam! Cain was not. One of these original people had dark skin and coiled hair. Civilization was adopted by Europe, through the Greeks and Romans who assimilated tge culture of Afro-Pharoahs the braid and coil is the key because there is onky kne group of people that can braid and rwust their hair with no string or bands. That is tge peop ke if African descent. The hairstyles were spiritual Europeans do not have a spiritual hairstyle or names for ancient Gods. 

Below both images of Moses are historically inaccurate because there is no trace of African and Asian features or culture in either image below. Based on the culture of the times Moses hair style was probably closer to the image on the left but with (locks, coils or braids); the skin color possibly closer to the image on the right. 

 These are images of some rulers from one of the African dynasty's that ruled during the period of the old testament. There are no Europeans in this dynasty or in any of the ones before them, the Europeans showed up around 500 bc/bce during the events in the books of the Jeremiah.

  The people in this video come from African tribes and the names could reflect the tribal name, their God. They are not Greek, Romans, Egyptians, did they and Asia have the same ancestors? What is an Asians who is their biblical ancestor? Who is the biblical ancestor of the Neanderthal?

   It is very probable that the Greek translation of these names remove all association to the tribes of Africa. I have no reason to believe Noah, his sons, Abraham, Sarah, the Pharaohs, Moses, his wives, the tribes of Israel and all tribes in the region during the period of the old testament were anything other than people who descend from ancient African tribes or people of the pacific islands, Brown skin tones! 

Coming soon exploring Architecture if the Negro tribes, Asia and Europe!

I will add more information to this blog as I get it. Please feel free to subscribe (no fee) to this blog or the you tube channel of the same name. 

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