Tuesday, April 7, 2020

African origins of the Egyptians


This face looks familiar because it resembles some people I have seen in my life but was she what the old world would refer to as a negro? This is Pharoah Hatshepsut (Anglicized name) and I believe she ruled during the books of Exodus and Leviticus. The Pharoahs were descendants of Noah because the land was given to his descendants but could Noah have been a Pharoah and would he be considered a Negro? 

Some of the descendants of Noah had to be Negros and what is strikingly odd is the name Egypt is listed as the grandson of Noah, son of Ham in some versions bibles but the name Egypt as Masai is only seen in the non-English bibles. Is it possibly that the oldest child of Kama had another name? Two of his brothers use the K sound in their names but Punt and Masai do not usd the ka and Masai has been erased from the English bibles. Does it have anything to do with his origins or his features? Was the removal intentional?  Food for thought 
more to come....

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