Friday, May 8, 2020

Revelations 17 and the Jewish-Roman Wars

Who killed these Roman rulers listed below? If Jesus was transformed into a spiritual being who was it that led the Roman-Jewish wars? The purpose of the Messiah is to liberate the people from oppression. 

The disciples expected Jesus to return and restore the kingdom to Israel not the celestial world. They were expecting a war and that is exactly what happened. 

Who taught the church that the new Jerusalem was spiritual destination?

Most early preachers did not study or have access to Latin, Greek, Hebrew languages, hieroglyphics or African history/mythology and because of this the story of the second coming became spiritual. Once you begin to link the bible to Ancient African history/mythology the origins of the Messiah become attached to politics. Early preachers in the USA had no access to seminary schools and this limited their ability to understand the origins of the words or anything about the origins of the bible. 

The preachers from the African diaspora were not allowed into seminaries and the puritans who came to the U.S.A had no formal training. All of the people who taught me read the bible literally, reading Revelation without knowledge of the Roman-Jewish wars will make the letter appear as though it is a future war instead of something that happened already. 

When researching the letter of Revelation take note of how many Emperors ruled during the new testament and how many meet the description of the beast.  In my opinion one of these men who ruled during this period is described as the beast. I don't know who killed these emperors or who led the war.

By the time of the vision in Revelation 17 five of them were dead. I have listed 10 but in the vision, John referred to five of the seven and he said they were dead. Below is the list of the names of all of the rulers of the new testament.  I omitted Augustus from this list because he ruled before the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth whose ministry began in 30AD.

14-37 AD Tiberius - assassinated   age 77 ruled  22 years
37-41AD Caligula -  assassinated   age 28 ruled    3 years 
41-54AD Claudius -  poisoned        age 63 ruled  13 years 9 months
54-68AD  Nero -       suicide            age 30 ruled  13 years 8 months
68-69AD Galba-    murdered           age 72 ruled   7 months
69-69AD  Otho-     murdered           age 36 ruled   3 months
69-69AD Vitilius-  murdered           age 54 ruled   8 months
69-79AD Vespasian- died natural  age79 ruled 9yrs 6 mnths  3days
79-81AD Titus-  died from a fever  age41 ruled   2 years 20 days
81-96AD Dominitian - assassinated age 44 ruled 15 years 4 days 
In my opinion Dominitian is not included in this verse.

*Vespasian had a prophet did the other rulers have a prophet. 

Revelation 17:
10) these are the seven kings: five are fallen and one is, and the other is not yet come ; and when he cometh, he must continue in a short space.
11) And the beast that was, and is not even he is the eighth, and is of the seven and goeth into perdition.

What is perdition?

next the ten horns and ten kings.
All post are subject to change upon receiving new information

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