14 And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the AMEN the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;
Is the name Amen related to an affirmation or is it an ancient spirit represented by one of the groups of priest in ancient AFRICA? I struggled with that thought until I saw the biblical passage mentioned above Revelation 3:14. This name "Amen" is the clue that Genesis 1 is an African story because the Amen is the name of one of the deities of pre-historic Africa and the darkness that was upon the face of the deep in of Genesis 1:2 related to the beginning of time! Europe discovered what the ancients already knew!
Is Jesus the Amen or is he the Christ. The Lord God of the old testament said his alter would be in the middle of Egypt, and the people who are ruling Egypt today are the Islamic but was it ruled by Rome (the Catholic Church) before Islam?
Who exactly is the anti-Christ and how do we recognize the spirit?
The book of Revelation is deeply rooted in African mythology and Roman history, but because many Christians etc... have been taught that reading books outside of the bible is against God. Keep in mind that the people who the brought this book to the world believed the earth was flat and these same people spread the an ancient philosophy (the gospel) as a culture of white supremacy and male dominance. They spread this message to AFRICA and other indigenous tribes of the world. The lack of understanding about the ancient world and ignorance regarding the origin of their own to civilization and lifestyle outside of Europe could be one of the reasons they taught Revelation as an event of the future instead of events of the past.
How many of them knew that the seven churches of Asia in Revelation existed in Asia Minor? If they were unaware of Asia minor then it is very probable that they would think the seven churches were in the spirit realm or were associated to the new world in heaven!
Even today a person who is unfamiliar with the history of the world might be unable to comprehend that Jesus lived in Asia because they only know about the middle east but what exactly is the middle east? Fact is the middle east is either in on the continent of Asia or Africa in what is now called the Middle East!
Is it impossible to understand the letter of Revelation without knowledge of the history of Pre-historic Africa, Asia Minor and Rome. Most preachers of the early formation of the church were unlearned and their access to history was limited. Revelation is a puzzle, a riddle of sorts and understanding riddles was a rite of passage for some ancient cultures. Even the word testimony give us a clue that this was a real event that already occurred!
The names of the Roman emperors are omitted from the book of revelation and it could be because it was war time and the writer using codes. It's possible!
These are the things the reader or student of the book of Revelation should consider before reading it.
What kind of message was Jesus trying to send John, who is now known by some as the revelator. Is Revelation a testimony or a prophecy.
Was Jesus the Amun or the Iman or was the Iman or Amun his step father Joseph? The last word in the book of Revelation is AMEN. Did the priest of Amun win the war and if yes who were they at war with?
Amun one of the oldest priest hood known in the ancient world but do they represent freedom and should we include the priest of Ra?
The goal of the priest of Ra-Amon was not to get rid of the other religions the goal was to be supreme over all of them and to control the people and have the wealth. We can see this example in the book of 2 Kings 17:41 "So these nations feared the Lord and served their graven images, both their children and their children's children as did their fathers, so do they unto this day."
Where are the priest of Amun-Re or Ra-Amun during the new testament and what was their relationship with Rome and the ministry of Jesus of Nazareth?
Revelations 13:8
And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world.
Key point in this text is; the lamb that was slain from the foundation of the earth!
Is this event any where else in the Bible?
One thing to consider is the text states from the foundation of the earth. Does this text refer to an event that took place before the creation of the universe or the foundation of a region in Africa? Where is this event in the bible and does this lamb represent a religion, a philosophy or something else?
It is possible that the dragon in the book of Revelation is also in the book of Genesis. It is also possible that the dragon was not considered evil by everyone? Some people want that type of ruler because they want to feel protected. One of the designs of the pyramids was to control the dragon or the serpent. The Faroahs did not want to get rid of it the dragon but they wanted to control it. It is very POSSIBLE that LORD GOD of Genesis 2 is a part of the dragon in the form of the spirit of the Ram (strong man) and this spirit is included in parts of the book of Revelation.
This might sound shocking but we must consider Nimrod and Abram keeping in min ancient words had meaning both ways Nimrod is Daraman and Abram is Abarama. Both include Ra Nimrod was a ruler and a fighter, Abram is a fighter and only includes Rama.
Nimrod is associated to the symbol of the dragon and the word serpent and could be in Revelation 12 but might be different than Genesis 3 and was in Revelation 3:14 King James Version
These things might sound shocking an unbelievable but please know that as a follower of the teachings of a Jesus and long time servant of God through the Pentecostal and holiness churches I found this difficult to process! Instead of judging me try to enlighten me! If I am in error tell me why!!
Info is subject to change upon gaining new information.
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