Sunday, March 28, 2021

Moses, Hero, Deliverer or Oppressor?

How would we describe the 10 plagues in todays time? Would we describe the 10 plagues as biological warfare? What was Moses trying to accomplish? 

Was Moses a Hebrew or did he identify as Masaram? The daughters of his future father-in- law identified him as Egyptian. Exodus 2:19 says an Egyptian delivered us out of the hand of the shepherds and watered the flock. Obviously Moses knew how to water a flock of sheep which I find odd for a prince. 

The maori bible uses Ihipiana but what does this mean ( Wakapana) or (Wafana) The Greek uses what I believe to be the Arawaks.  
Keep in mind that the bible is a translation of ancient words into English a culture that had no respect for anything indigenous, except for whom they considered to represent their physical image. The word Moses is a title used by the Pharoahs it is possibly an ancient tribe of Africa or the name of an ancestor. Moses is does not define water. If he was adopted then Moses could be a portion of his title but it does not mean water. If you find the meaning of the name water you should be able to find out to Moses ( great, great great grandson of Abraham) is in history. 

It is very probable that Moses is prince or coregent Pharoah Kamose and the name 
1554-1549              Wadjkheperre Kamose - Ydykhfrra -Kmse is why the bibke says he was drawn from the water. WADI means water kafara is related to atonement. 

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