Memorial Day in the United States is the day the citizens honor those who served and died while serving in the military.
We are going to examine the bible to determine if Memorial Day is older than the United States of America and Greco-Rome.
Genesis 14:17 And the king of Sodom went out to meet him (Abram) after his: return from the slaughter of Chedorlaomer, and of the kings that were with him, at the valley of Shaveh, which is the king's dale.
The king's dale was common in the ancient world also known as the valley of the kings, a place where the nobles of the children of Noah were buried. According to 2nd Samuel 18:18 Absalom put a pillar up in his own honor because he had no son to bury him. In 1 Samuel 18:6 David returns from war to women dancing and singing. Let's keep in mind that the Hebrews conquered a civilization, they settled in adopted their traditions, we can see this tradition in Genesis 14:17 when Abram returned from war.
Hosea 9:4 the bread of mourners
The Greek church Rome, Islam Judaism, Japan China and Lutheran church honor ancestors during the month of May.
We want to keep in mind that Adam was told to use the lights of the universe to determine the seasons
Genesis 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
All holidays should be rooted in Genesis 1:14 The movements of the universe determined the time sacred events occurred on earth.
The symbols of this period are in the Bible as well
The rose and the poppy
21st chapter of the book called Song of Songs which states
1) "I am the rose of Sharon and the lily of the valley."
The rose of Sharon is a poppy then these two flowers are two of the symbols of Memorial day.
Most every ancient God or Goddess of the ancient world was associated to a flower and during the month of May the people of the USA celebrate also celebrate Mother's Day.
The flowers of Mother's Day and Memorial Day are similar. The poppy flower is symbolic of symbol of Remembrance and Hope.
The Lilly represents purity, innocence and rebirth: in religious iconography, they often represent the Virgin Mary, and are also often depicted at the Resurrection of Christ.
The colors and five-pointed star
These symbols include the five-pointed star, the red and white stripes and the color blue. These colors and images are on the Abu Simbel Temple and the images in the Temple of Dendera.
This means the symbols are rooted in the first civilization of the world (Africa). In the book of Genesis there is the name of only one country in the ancient world and that is Ethiopia.
How did the symbols of Ancient African rulers reach the United States of America?
In the video above you will see that the tribes of Asia
(west and east) honor their ancestor in the same manner as the tribes of America and Africa. Ancient tribes are known for honoring their ancestors while European traditions are obscure.
Ancient celebrations such as Quing Ming of China where the bodies of war heros are buried in a section of the land and visited by the families every year is a These ancient tribes eat food and clean the burial sites.
One of the things we should consider while researching the origin of the Memorial day traditions the origin grilling meat (meaning outdoor cooking). Did the European immigrants cut meat and grill prior to entering America? Did Europeans honor their war hero's with feast and parades prior to migrating to America.
Based on biblical text outdoor grilling is older than America and Europe. Barbequing or Grilling is an ancient tradition practiced thousands of years before Abraham was born. Genesis 9th chapter Noah is preparing a burnt offering and Burnt offerings is the process of grilling meat.
One thing we should know is Memorial Day was originally called Decoration Day and became a federal holiday after the Civil War in America which means it could have been a tradition of the Negro Community and adopted by the Europeans as a way of unifying the country.
It could be that the Union officers observed the traditions of the Negro regiments and adopted that tradition. It just so happens during the months of May in ancient Nubia the tribes would honor their ancient mothers.
This tradition was adopted by the Church of Rome as well as the Greek church keep in mind that both invaded Egypt and ruled Nubia and Kush (on the Nile River) for a about 400 years and could have adopted this tradition.
These events are rooted in Genesis 1:14 and the movement of the planets such as Sirius and Venus. The astronomers teach that during the month of May there are three sky-watching highlights. May is the last month in 2023 where Venus (afrodite) will appear high in the sky after sunset all month.
Venus is the first celestial body to become visible in the sky at evening and is the last one to disappear from the sky at sunrise. The movement of Venus is important to the month of May and the celebrations of the mothers. One of them is the goddess of the end of wars and martyrs all symbols that are associated to the celebrations of Mothers day and Memorial Day.