The Holy Ghost and the ancient world.
Three words from the ancient world that could be related to the Holy Ghost are the Egun (Africa)
Aqen (Pharoahs), Naga (Japan). We know the land where the Holy ghost fell on the inhabitants the region was called Palestine by the Romans and the one of the cities of Palestine was called Judea. Israel colonized Canaan, the land of the youngest son of Kama. and was the place where the Holy Ghost filled the disciples, but the Holy ghost lived in John the Baptist long before Jesus died on the cross, therefore it was active prior to the resurrection. Why is the Holy Ghost associated with the day of Pentecost if John was filled with the Holy Ghost prior to the resurrection?
Is there more than one Holyghost?
The bible does not mention that John spoke in tongues yet it appears the disciples spoke in another lanugage when the holyghost came. We are gong to take a look a the various time ths holy ghost appeared in teh new testament.
Mary was pregnant of the Holy Ghost not by the Holy Ghost but of, what does this mean
John the Baptist was filled with the holyghost.
Jesus was baptising people and John said Jesus would baptize them with fire, what does this mean?
Was this Holy ghost different?
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