Wednesday, August 18, 2021

The book of Judges, Akhenatan and Nefertiti

What does Pharoah Akhenatan and Nefaratiti have to do with the book of Judges? 

  Some historians believe Pharaoh Akhenaten was the first pharaoh to practice monotheism but this pharaoh abandoned only the worship of the national Gods, the local tribes were allowed to make sacrifices to their their local deities.  These events are parallel to the events in the book of Judges.

  Most biblical scholars agree that the Book of Judges covers a period of 300 years. Judges 17:6 "there was no king in Canaan at that time and every man did what he saw fit," seems to be in line with the actions of the Pharoah Akhenatan. The Lord was upset because the people were abandoning worship and at the same time the Pharoah Akanaton was trying to break the grip that the priest of Ra-Amon/Aman-Re had on the region or territory. Did the priest of Ra-Aman or Amun rule over Canaan? What was the relationship between the high-priest or priest-kings with the tribes of Canaan?  

 The high-priest were no longer needed during the reign of Akhenatan because when serving the Atan there were no offerings of flowers, cakes or foods from the people to the temple priest. There were also no taxes collected and this had an impact on the wealth and authority of the priest.

  When Akhenatan died his wife Nefertiti ruled until her death (possible murder). The son of Akenatan is Thutank-atan he was a child ruler and his name was changed to Thutank-amun after he became the Pharoah.  When reading about Akanatan I am reminded of  the impact this Pharoah had on the priest of Amun and it makes me wonder if the God of the Hebrews was associated with the Lunar ( moon ) dieties of the Ogdoad and the draconian (draco) constellation. ( As usual do your own research and let me know if I am in error)    
  Included in the name of Nefertiti, wife of Akenatan is the Nefera and because there were no vowels in ancient words it would be the symbols of NFR. The image of the NFR is in the form of a cross and I am unsure as to the meaning. It could related to human sacrifice or it could mean something beautiful it is still unclear to me. When reading the book of Judges you will see there are instances of human sacrifice. ( again do your own research) 

  Notice the word Akan in the names of Akenatan and his son Thutankatan. The Akan people are one of the oldest tribes in Ancient Africa, somehow they ended up in West Africa or Asia, only a remnant of them remain and the reason could be they have blended with their conquerors or they were exiled or both.  What happened to the Akan people and was Akhenaten an ancestor? The NK, NG, NH or NC are all pronounced as Naka and pronounced by the Europeans as Naga which is Asian, not sure if it is Japan or China or one of the Pacific islands.  When you see the letters in an ancient name they could be associated to this tribe or an earlier tribe. 

Please do your own research and confirm before assuming this is information is accurate. 

Ancient tribes and America

Ancient tribes that could have migrated to America

The year 1900 BC
Genesis 14:
From Exodus 17:8-16 to 2nd Samuel 30 the servants of the Lord carried out a 700-year battle against the Amalekites. 

Exodus 17:8-16 For he said, Because the Lord hath sworn that the Lord will have war with Amalek from generation to generation. 

Deuteronomy 25:19 

1 Samuel 15:3,7 Saul destroyed the Amalekites but took the king alive

1 Samuel 30:1,17 Means the Amalakites did not die then David fought them but some escaped.

Some modern theologians believe the Amalekites are descendants of Esau (Genesis 36:12) but the Amalekites could be an older tribe.   

The name Amalak and they seem to be associated to human sacrifice as were the indigenous people of Mexico. The altars are proof of this. 


Did the Amalakites migrate from Asia to America?

The serpent in the final image of this video, resembles a symbol of the 2 ancestor dieties of Japan named Izanagi and Izanami or symbols of the Hindu spiritual system

  In Acts 7 Stephen said Israel was worshipping Rephidem or Madawakafara (fire?) but it this could be the name of a location in the Sinai Peninsuala where the Amalak ruled.  I believe the Olmec were priestly, or priest kings because they wrote in hieroglyphics, a priestly writing of indigenous Africans of Masa-ram (called Egypt). Mexico has pyramids just like the cities of the Nile and based on their biblical characteristics the Amalakites practiced human sacrifice. The act of human sacrifice was common for some the indigenous world but the death and resurrection of Jesus of Nazereth as the last human sacrifice would end this practice in many places. 

We don't know for sure if the Olmecs were the Amalakites but their traditions and practices seem to be simular but where they the good guys or the bad guys. Why did the Lord of the Hebrews hate the Amalakites and want to destroy them from the face of the earth? 

more to come...... 

Saturday, August 14, 2021

Social distancing in the bible

    The ancient people of Pre-Historic Africa believed spirits had names one of those spirits was named s k m t. She sent plagues and diseases to disobedient people.. Basically she would kill the people who didn't respect her.. In order for the people that she attacked to be healed they would have to look to her. Ancient people respected diseases

                     In the book of Numbers Moses was told to build a brass Serpent for the people who were being attacked by snakes. They had to look too the very thing that was killing them in order for them to be healed from illnesses.

David's dance Karar or Kawarara

What kind of dance did David dance? Go to 2 Samuel 6:16. The name of the dance is the Karar or the Kawarara. 

Extra question!

What was Davids pre-translated name? 

Most kings were named after Gods and had more than one name. They were given a new name at coronations. The name David is a Europeanized translation of an ancient word. There were no vowels in ancient words. David is not a Hebrew word because there was no Hebrew language because Joshua communicated with Rhab the Cannaite in chapter 2 of the book named Joshua.

David belonged to the tribe of Judah and it is possible the symbols of the tribe was in his name. As you research keep in mind the letters, J,V, U and I are the Y sound.

Judah becomes JD and David becomes DJD which is a symbol for DYD strength and stability linked to the ancient God named Ptah a very old diety who might be associated to human sacrifice. Canaan and the Lord of the Hebrews and Israel were linked to Lunar dieties, a group of Gods called the Ogdoad. 

According to the Open Bible, David ruled in Hebron during the year 1011 and then ruled the united Judah and Israel from 1004 and 971bc. Israel was not independent and Canaan was under the jurisdiction of the Pharaohs during this period. Based on ancient culture his name should be associate to the an ancient God or supreme ruler because Israel was a vassal state but was it a vassal to Pharoah or the priest of Amun who upsurped authority from the Pharoahs and ruled Thebes. 

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