Extra question!
What was Davids pre-translated name?
Most kings were named after Gods and had more than one name. They were given a new name at coronations. The name David is a Europeanized translation of an ancient word. There were no vowels in ancient words. David is not a Hebrew word because there was no Hebrew language because Joshua communicated with Rhab the Cannaite in chapter 2 of the book named Joshua.
David belonged to the tribe of Judah and it is possible the symbols of the tribe was in his name. As you research keep in mind the letters, J,V, U and I are the Y sound.
Judah becomes JD and David becomes DJD which is a symbol for DYD strength and stability linked to the ancient God named Ptah a very old diety who might be associated to human sacrifice. Canaan and the Lord of the Hebrews and Israel were linked to Lunar dieties, a group of Gods called the Ogdoad.
According to the Open Bible, David ruled in Hebron during the year 1011 and then ruled the united Judah and Israel from 1004 and 971bc. Israel was not independent and Canaan was under the jurisdiction of the Pharaohs during this period. Based on ancient culture his name should be associate to the an ancient God or supreme ruler because Israel was a vassal state but was it a vassal to Pharoah or the priest of Amun who upsurped authority from the Pharoahs and ruled Thebes.
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