Misogyny is defined as - "dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women."
First Timothy 2:11 -12
11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
Paul says that a woman he said, I suffered not a woman to teach Lord to observe authority over the man, but to be in silence.
The first thing to take note of his Paul said I he did not say the Lord he did not say God he said I and then he goes into his opinion of what happened to Adam and Eve his theory is not in line with the events of Genesis because not only was Punished, but Adam was punished as well ? Therefore, when Paul says that a woman should not teach or serve authority or man, we want to keep in mind that he was trained as a Pharisee and he was also a I believe a teacher of the law secondly, we want to keep in mind that he was a persecutor of Christians and he was a reformed persecutor of Christians and during that time in efficient where Timothy Man wrote the letter to the man wrote the letter was preaching Christians were being persecuted.
Paul would know what the identifiers were Paul would know how to identify Christian and we should consider that during this period. He may have been trying to keep the Christians under the radar in order for the Romans to consider them Jews. We read the history books. it says that the Romans were confused. They did not know how to determine the difference between the Jews and the Christians and the very well could be that the Christians were hiding in plain sight, I do believe that one of the identifiers of the Christians were the great and this is why Paul said do not allow the women to braid their hair. Do not allow these women to wear gold. Do not allow these women to wear pearls because the women, the women of Judea Were not allowed to wear them. ?
We want to keep in mind that join this. The candies were ruling in Ethiopia. We also want to keep in mind that Cleopatra was a queen and very probable is very probable that she was a queen of Judah because Greek on that region, so Paul’s views about women May have been rooted in what he was taught by Gail as a Pharisee ?
Something else that we should consider is that Jesus said that there will be no males or females in his kingdom. Paul said I said this OK and their times went in his writing. He was very clear. I say this not the Lord so we want to know the reason he said he said the letter was written to the church of and this church received the warning from Jesus in the book of Revelation. The church did exist. They’re no longer there. That’s one of the reasons we believe that Jesus came back already, but with that said, we want to take a look at Dorcas and Tabatha.
The events in Isaiah took place between 740 bce and 680 bce during the rise of Pharoahs of Kush, the rule of the 23rd dynasty of Pharoahs in Herakaleopolis or Harasalapolis and the rule of the kings of Judah and Israel after they were divided.
This stance about women in verse 16 could only come from a priesthood or rulers from biblical Arabia or West Asia because the children of Kama (Ham) had women rulers and warriors as did some tribes of East Asia. It is possible the concept of Wonder Woman and her sister Nubia are based on the dispensation of the African God Sothis (Greek translation) combined with the dispensation of the spirit of the God called Ase, Asis or Assisi-ye. According to many books about this region in pre-historic Africa the women owned land and had rights.
During 600 Bce Buddhism rose in Asia and there were no woman priest, however biblical Israel did allow women to serve as priest but that seemed to change after the death of Miriam. Is there evidence of female priest in Israel before the New Testament? Were there female rulers in biblical Arabia, where Moses answered the call? This text causes me to wonder if Moses was heard the call of a priesthood of a diety of Arabia or another biblical draconian based society. Most cultures that are under a lunar calendar have the same feeling about women as the Lord in Verse 16 of the 19th chapter of the book of Isaiah, but do you believe this is the Christ?
more to come.....