Many people believe Jesus is the translated name of Zeus and one of tahe reasons this can’t be true is because Zeus has nothing to do with resurrection.
I read somewhere that Islam claims Jesus was real, they believe he was a prophet and even if you disagree with them you should consider that the name of Jesus existed in another form in the ancient world.
The name of Jesus is just as important as the deeds of the man Jesus of Nazereth son of Mary. The name of Jesus is older than the man. The name is not linked to Judaism or the Hebrew language or people because it is older than Judaism.
The gospel of St Luke 9:49 says "and John answered and said, Master we saw one casting out devils in thy name and we forbid him because he follow not us".
50 verse and Jesus said unto him. "forbid him not for he that is not against us is for us."
What does this mean?
This name Ase or Isa is related to an ancient spirit defined as life force. The reason I lean towards the name of Jesus as African in origin instead of Hebrew is because the children of Abrham were monotheistic Judaism, and Islam are monotheistic and the name of Jesus is a God related to Genesis 1:27 Let us make man a group of Gods creating one God. We have to put on our ancient hats when studying the bible.
I believe the name of Jesus also known as Iesus and YSYS goes as far back as Noach because the word is associated with resurrection and the Pharoah. The first recorded resurrection related to the Pharoah is related to the pre-translated scripts of Hinduism The term Good shepherd is related to the first Recorded ruler of Africa the Kantiamentu (he had many names, but the Greeks called him Osirus). I do not know of this is related to the Hindu hanuman. (kanawaman)
Accordimg to Hebrew scripts Noah is called the yenachamenu the spelled Yanakameny teranslation is Wanakamanawa theof the ancestor is Kantiamentu
The name of Jesus is not Joshua and the reason is because Joshua is named after one of the Gods of the descendants of NK (Noah, Noach -Hebrew form).
Joshua and his father Nun were named after the spirits of what is called the Ennead and Ogdoad. One thing to consider is all of the people in the Bible practiced polytheism. It was abnormal for anyone to worship one God. ( let me know if I am wrong) The ancients combined spirits to created a trinity and applied names of the universe to the God.
Jesus is called The Rose of Sharon and in the section of the bible labeled as poetry called the "Song of Solomon," the writer mentions the Rose of Sharon but is this about Jesus or is the name being linked with the trinity of the old testament. The African Khantiamentiu or Ghandiamentiu also called Osirus or Cyrus. The rose or the poppy seed are his symbols. The name of Jesus is intertwined with his name because there was a trinity but the individual heads of the trinity could be separated but it seems the son is never without the mother. Not sure about that, please do your own research.
You might be able to see the writings about these Gods in the Japanese myth of Isanaki and Isanami also called Izanagi or Izanami or the Chinese Fuxi and Nuwa. Africa had its own Mother and Father story but keep in mind these stories are being given to the world through the interpretation of the conquering society and the presentation might cause a Christian to some trepidation. I implore you to keep reading, no matter what you encounter, it will come together for you.
Fuxi and Nuwa

Izanagi and Izanami ( Japan)
This lily of the Valley in the Song of Solomon is also the symbol of the African mother Assase. The song of Solomon is said to be written by King Solomon but it is possibly he wrote instead of creating it. He might have quoted what he learned or heard if he were in training to become a prince.
Lets take a look at the translations of the Rose of Sharon and Lily of the Valley.
1) Orthodox Jewish - ( Rose of Sharon) - Shoshan has different meanings and because it uses a consonant blend it was probably Sosan - graceful lily ( ancestor (Asse)
2) Greek - The greek does not use Rose it uses Anthos and bible hub uses the term poppie. located in pendinos (a low level plain)
a lily growing wild, variously identified with the red anemone, the whole lily, the sword lily.
MORE TO COME........