Monday, January 10, 2022

The African origin of the book of Genesis

Who wrote the book of Genesis? 

Traditional theology says Moses the deliverer of Israel and prince of the Nile wrote Genesis, but Moses was trained by the Egyptians. Acts 7:22-43 KJV - And Moses was learned in all the wisdom - Bible Gateway the name Moses is also an English translation, and the symbols in this name also belong to the rulers of ancient Africa that trained him. 


So, how do we find out if Genesis is of African or Asian in origins?  The oldest spiritual writing system in the world is hieroglyphics, therefore we should consider that the bible was written in the language of the Pharaohs and translated into Hebrew at a later time. According to the bible Noah is the ancestor therefore at some point the language and writing system of the people were the same. We should also keep in mind the bible was translated by white supremacist and the translations have omitted the African and Asian origins. The ancient symbols were translated into Greek, Hebrew Latin and English. Fact is the events of the bible take place in Africa and Asia and because of this should we consider Hieroglyphics and Hieratic writing system of the Pharaohs as the origin of Genesis as well as the story of the Hebrews which is the backdrop of the story of Africa.  The names of the Gods are missing from the story.  

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