Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Acts 13:1 Simeon the Niger

Peace and strength to all! 

Ancient tribes of America and  Africa were spiritual people and the names assigned to therefore the names of the land should be spiritual. Let’s explore the words Niger as in Acts 13:1. Is the definition of the word black? I say No! I say the word Niger and Negro have spiritual meaning. 

I was told that the word Niger is defined as black but consider the Niger River, a water way in West Africa, as well as the the Niagara falls in New York and Canada. Both lands are homes of the the first tribes of the world.

Peace and stability to all! 

In Acts 13:1 the writer identifies one of the prophets and teachers as Simeon the Niger but is it pronounced Neegar and was this word Niger created by Europe or is it an ancient word of the Pharoahs?  Let’s explore Acts 13:1, the definition and pronunciation of the word Niger.

The writer identifies the people mentioned in Acts 13: 1 as prophets and teachers and provides the names of the region but calls Simeon the Niger. This word Niger includes the letter G which replaced the letter K but the letter K is a translation of they symbol that looked like an H and it defines spirit. Therefore the letter G in Niger is a k sound. 

Acts 13:1 in the Greek the word Niger is      , The Luther bible uses the word Niger, the Orhtodox Jewish Bible uses the word Niger, Latin Vulgata Vocabatur Niger, the somalie is using the word Odhan jiray Niger, The Yoruaba uses N pe ni Nigeri, the Maori huaina ne ko Nikera, jota kutsuttiin Nigeriksi,  hub

 The word Niger is also associated to a river located in what was called Negro land, formally located in what is now, West Africa. The word Niger and Negro minus the vows, both include the letters NGR. 

We can also see the letters NGR in the names of the some waters falls in America and Canada; Niagra.. This name gives the African American tribes ties to those landmarks and names of the first native tribes in America as well Native West Africa. Keep in mind vowels were added to ancient words by Europeans and the rulers of the Mediterranean, this is evidence that these two water ways have the same ancient symbols and spiritual significance as Negro and Niger. 

When you do your own research you will see that the letter G is a European letter translated from the K symbol, the words we know as Negro and Niger become Nakara or NKR.  I will never abandon or reject the name Negro because I believe its origin is rooted in the first recorded civilization of the ancient world. 

The name Niger (Neger) and Negro should be spiritual just like the people who carried the name and  can be tied to the biblical ancestor Noah who survived the flood and rain.  Noah pronounced Noak in Hebrew scripts.  The Negro, Niger, Niagra can be translated into NGR, NG, Nka or Nakara, Naga or Nagi, the Naha, the Nico are all variations of Naka.  Based on this information does the word Niger in Acts 13:1 define black man or does it mean something life giving and refreshing?

 Do your own research and you will find  that many of the rivers of the world include NG or NGR.The symbols of NG also ancient water spirit named NK or NG spelled Enki. 

Noah was told to be fruitful and multiply hit seems to me that his people repopulate and migrated into America and Asia? Look at a map and places that include the ancient symbols NG or NK.  If Niger is pronounced Neegar than it is related to the name African American of the diaspora were called by the European invaders and the origins of the word were changed from tribal identification to a derogatory term.

Niger is associated to purification, refreshment  and anything else that water represents, the Ra could be enlightenment, it is life giving just like the prophets and teachers listed in Acts 13:1 it is not a color it is spiritual. 

I will  create a blog about the Ancient African origin about Saint Nicholas also known as Santa Claus and Father Christmas. Because the k sound is also the symbol g words such Nikolas could also be spelled as Nigolas same (I) sound as in Niger!  

This inform is subject to change please do your own research and check back for of the names represent  rivers and falls and were assigned by ancient people not Europeans!
 Keep in mind there were no vowels in the ancient world this means these two water ways have the same ancient symbols. Minus the vowels they become NGR and this has spiritual significance! 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The dominant culture for 2022 years

We see evidence of the differences in the cultures of the sons of Noah!

Shem and Japheth are patriarchal and just like the tribes of the African diaspora and the Pentecostal churches in America Kama was matriarchal.

Understanding the differences between the words
Matriarchal, Patriarchal and Matrilineal is important when studying the differences between the sons of Noah.

There is so much more to study about Noah and based on ancient text his story is just as important as Abram (Abraham). We should consider that his sons could represent three priesthoods of the ancient world. 

Three brothers with different Gods, rituals and ways of governing. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Why Noah is important

2nd Peter 2:5

began a new civilization

Noah was a preacher of righteousness 
The text states Noah left behind the old world and established something new. 
So much of Christianity is rooted in the story of the miracle of the ark. 

Genesis 5-6 

called and chosen

Noah was chosen and called because of his character.
If the anti-Christ is violent, oppressive and inhumane then this spirit is opposite of who Noah was and what his God represented.

Do you believe Jesus and the disciples horned Noah, if yes in what manner did, they honor Noah, his family and the events surrounding the establishment of the new world in the Nile civilization. 

2nd Peter 2:5 Genesis chapters 4, 5, 6 and 10 #religion #bible #christian

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