Sunday, March 5, 2023

The forever covenant of Noah

Is the story of the Noah, Hebrew, Greek or African?

The covenant of Noah is everlasting for his seed but who were they? The scripture reference is Genesis 9 chThe first recorded resurrection related to the Pharoah is related to the pre-translated scripts of Hinduism The term Good shepherd is related to the first Recorded ruler of Africa the Kantiamentu (he had many names, but the Greeks called him Osirus). Unsure if this name this is related to the Hindu hanuman. (kanawaman) 

Accordimg to Hebrew scripts Noah is called the yenachamenu the spelled Yanakameny translation is Wanakamanawa  the ancestor of African empowers is Kantiamentu. 

This means the land of Kam or ham could also be the land of Noah the only reason it is proabably the land Kam inherited from his father is because the

The name of the land was Tachama and Tashama 

Kema ( different mother than Japeth and Shema)  Wanakamanay ( YafaKata ) Sakama

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