Monday, October 30, 2023

Halloween and the Shutting of the Ark

Is the origin of Halloween, demonic or holy? We can find its origin in the opening, entering and closing of the ark in the bible.

I believe the church can use Halloween as an opportunity to teach children about the story of Noah and other biblical figures as well as observing it as a Day of Goodwill. Understanding the importance of the story and journey of the ark is important to understanding most events in the bible especially the ministry of Jesus and John the Baptist. Knowing the importance of the mask in the ancient world and its place in the bible is also important.

Based on the results of a parallel study, all of the ancient world observed Halloween as holy, and its observance includes taking care of the poor and or chasing away evil spirits. How did this sacred tradition change from sacred to secular? 

Is this day rooted in the shutting of the Ark of Noah which takes place during the week of Halloween. Genesis 7? If you want to know how I arrived at this date see my video below and contact me in the comment section on this, you tube video if you have more questions.

 The words to define for this study are:









2nd month 



We believe Halloween is rooted in gifting the poor, 2 things that we want to keep in mind is the similarities between Halloween, thanksgiving Christmas and Easter: all four holidays gift the poor with food. One of the common traditions of Halloween, Easter and Christmas is giving treats to children. I don't know where the trick part came from.

The wearing of mask is a practice of the ancient world pre-Western civilization and can be seen in the cultures of what is left of that world that was uprooted by the Moors and European religions. Let's look to the bible to examine the origin of mask. In the book of Job, the saints that Job prayed to are older than the Saints of Christianity as well as the saints in the book of Acts. The only saints in the ancient world are the saints of the first civilization of Africa and their images are reflected in the mask. The mask represented ancient spirits of goodwill and chaos. The witches, goblins and skeletons seem to be European in origin and this would include movie characters but in the ancient world the mask represented good and evil. 

Some people will say that these are graven images but before we judge Halloween through the Lense of the laws of Moses, we should be clear that Jehovah used graven images and therefore this scripture or law should be examined for more clarity before we continue to use it to denounce Halloween. 

Along with Halloween are two sacred days, one is the day we honor the heroes, founders or martyrs and the other a day when we remember the loved ones or the commoners who have died. I would say. 


The vail

Mask Exodus 34:33-34 

Moses wore a vail the name of the Latin word for vail is Cornutam, the Greek is Kalumma and the meaning is Horned Mask, the Hebrew is Massekah as in Mask.

The veil 

that separates humans from the spiritual

According to the New York Daily News dot com during the period of Halloween there is a veil separating us from the spirit world, this veil si said to be at it thinnest, making it easier to connect with those whose life has ended on this earth. 

But what does this have to do with the bible? The Jewish people call this period Yizkor and it can be found in the book of Deuteronomy 15-16 chapter. However, this is a moveable date, but Halloween is a fixed date as I believe All Saints Eve, All Soul Eve observed. by the Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant churches are the same.

We need to find out more about what is called Yizkor, also known as  Yahrzeit or to try and determine if it was given by God Moses or adapted by the priest of Israel during the migration or taught to Moses by the Afro-Pharaohs. 

I don't know if mask are a part of their tradition but their rituals do include lighting candles in memory, something observed by some Christian denominations and the Catholic Churches All saint's day and all soul's day.  During this period most of the people of the ancient world are participating in some tradition or ritual and because the descendants of slave trade are ancient people it only makes sense that they would have engage in some ritual and celebration during this period. 

The Mexican Day of the Dead - Dia De Los Muertos

According to the result if internet searches, the Mexican day of the Dead is originally Dia de Los Muertos and has been celebrated by Mexicans for over 3000 years. Keep in mind the rulers of Mexico were the Olmecs who had facial features of what my generation would call Negros and were considered ancient people most of who believed nothing died and honored memories some even brought food for the soul of the ancestor.

3 days of festivals observed by the ruling class of ancient Sudan and Egypt during the Old Testament included the symbols of a war goddess, a spirit that assisted the deceased in the afterlife, resurrection and fertility were celebrated, they are the cat named Basat, Ra (the sun)  Sekmet (War) Hathor (resurrection and fertility).


Dressing up as ghost etc... was started by Celts, Irish and Scotts. Prior to their arrival into the US the country did the country celebrate this period, did the Native Africans or Native Indians, I will leave that up to you to discover. Please share your findings.

African tradition adopted with new rituals and dates by the Hebrews

Yizkor is recited after the morning Torah reading on Yom Kippur, on the last day of Passover and Shavuot, and on the seventh day of Succot, called Shemini Atzeret. according to the internet.

The main component of Yizkor is our private pledge to give charity following the holiday in honor of the deceased. By giving charity, we are performing a positive physical deed in this world, something that the departed can no longer do.

The name Succoth is similar to the ancient deity named Sekhmet of whom Moses would be familiar with as a Prince of Africa (Egypt and grandson of an Afro-Pharoah). 

Whatever the origins Of Halloween let's keep in mind that the day is rooted in charity, so people give sweets, and some give money and most important people have fun! This is in line with the traditions of the Ancient when the children of Africa ruled, observing the ancestors with secular traditions and ending with the sacred traditions as seen in Halloween, All saint's day and All souls Day.                                                                

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Why we need bible study tools

The word Egypt is an English translation of an ancient African word and a Greek/hebrew concordance or books about ancient African history will confirm this fact. 

If your bible uses the word Egypt this means you might need a concordance or Latin, German dictionary during your study 
because many biblical words are impacted by translations. 

Translation is defined as the process of translating words or text into another language which can sometimes change definitions. 

The bible has also been impacted by what is called  transliteration - a type of conversion of a word that involves swapping letters, but for now we will focus on translations. 

A concordance or other translations of ancient words could provide original definitions and pronunciations for biblical words.

Earth and World 

For example, the word Earth appears in Genesis and for some people it defines the planet but ancient text defined the English word earth as land, region, or territory. Some of the definitions of earth are Latin- Terram, terra, Greek - ghay, and Hebrew haadamah, ha'aretz, haadmah and Somali, dhulkii, dhulkaad and dhulka. None of these words represent the planet or the world 

Earth and world are have different definitions.  

 The word World first appears in the book of 1st Samuel 2;8  and is defined as Country. The greek word for world is tebel, is the hebrew is tevel, globe as region or territory. German erdboden is ground. The Latin word is terrae, meaning country or region but the word world in the book of Isaiah 38:11 represents the planet. 

God & Lord

The words God & Lord are defined as magistrate, officer, ruler or a supreme celestrial entity. 

The Old Testament includes translations & transliteration of pyramid text that were translated into Hebrew, Greek, Latin/Romanized German and Old English/Anglicized. The new testament was translated from Greek to Latin, Hebrew, German and the English languages and now to Various tribes of the conquered West Africa,  

Ancient words had no vowels and therefore the vowels that we see in European &  Hebrew words, were added thousands or millions of years after the original text was written. As I previously stated some of the words in the bible have been impacted by transliteration and translations, these words have different meanings today. 

If the word Earth is a region instead of the planet this means Noah was the ancestor of a group of people who in modern times have been conquered by Rome and England. This means he is the ancestor or chieftain of a group of people not the world. 

Please use bible study tools when studying the bible because it is rooted in history and we all need to examine it carefully. 

Saturday, October 14, 2023

Was Job a Christian a Hebrew or something else

      What was the spiritual system or religion of Job. 

SAINTS OF Job 5:1; 15:15

Jobs religion included Saints

SATAN Job 1:6  

Job believed in Satan 

Job 27:2 He says As God liveth, who hath taken away my judgement; and the Almighty, who hath vexed my soul.

 In this text Job compares the Almighty to God, making it appear that they are different Gods. 

                                            What is the name of Jobs God? 

Jobs God is associated to Job 9:9, Job 38:31,32, and in line with Genesis 1:14? 

Job said God made the celestial beings in the sky. This means that God is not a man but is a element in the universe that created the Orion, Arcturus, the Pleiades and the chambers of the south. I believe this is the galaxy named the Milkyway.

                                                    Was Job a Hebrew?

Job was not a Hebrew, and we know this because his friends ask him about his saints. 

In this text the word Saints is defined as a deceased person who lived an exemplary life. This is not a Hebrew story, is this the story of an ancient Christian? 

Job 5:1 his friend said, call now, if there be any that will answer thee, and to which of the saints wilt thou turn?   "To which of the saints wilt thou turn"? 

Job 15:15 his friends "say he putteth no trust in his saints."
these are people who have died and live in the celestial. 

                                              Definitions of the word Saint 

What is the ancient definition of the word Saints. There are different types of Saints in the Old Testament, does Judaism have saints? 

Let's see what type of saints these verses are referring to. 

The Hebrew word for saint is qadowsh which means holy one.
The Latin word for saint is sanctorum - which means holy ones - someone who lived an exemplary life.
The Greek word for saint is angels (messenger, supernatural from God) 
The Māori hunga tapu (it means sacred people) 
The Somali is quduska kuwa (those holy)

thousands of years later the New Testament referenced the saints and Matthew 27:52 
states' The Greek word in the New Testament is koimao - sleep of the death.
The Hebrew word is kadoshim - the faithful and the fallen (cemetery)
The Latin is Sanctorum - this is the same word that was used in the Old Testament. 
The German is heiligen 

There are different types of saints in the bible. 

Psalm 31:23 - O love the lord all ye his saints the Greek uses the word Hosios 
(the pious, godly) meaning these people are still alive! 

Psalm 34:9 - O fear the lord ye his saints (39) meaning sanctuary temples.

Job is referring to the saints who have died and gone to heaven, why does this sound like Christianity before Jesus has been born? We want to keep in mind that the bible says Jesus was in the beginning with God and this means the spirit pf Jesus was present. Did this spirit of Jesus live in others before Jesus of Nazereth was born and was the concept of living a virtuous life practiced before Jesus of Nazereth was born?  

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                              Miscellaneous text from Job to explore

The chaldeans made out of three bands fell upon the camels and took them and killed the servants with the sword. this is in verse 17 murderes & theives.

So far the text mentions the Sabeans and the Chaldeans. The Sabeans are said to be from South Arabia and the Chaldeans are in West Asia 

a great fire came from heaven in the 16th verse volcano?

What was Jobs pre-romanized name? 

It could have been awaba or Abawa this is not a hebrew or a hebrew story! 

The land named Uz is Romanized but the symbols U and Z can provide a clue to where he lived?

Job mentioned the Sabeans in the 15th verse of chapter one. He said they came and took the oxen and asses away. ( theives) 

Temanite - 1st verse Job 4

Shuhite -


buzite job 32:6

kindred of RAM

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