Knowledge of the universe is essential, in understanding sacred periods of ancient civilizations. In Genesis 1:14 the man was told to observe the lights to determine time and seasons. We should look to the dedication of the temple in the book of John to understand the season of what is called the ADVENT, by the Church of Rome and most protestant churches. The birth of John the Baptist and the birth of Jesus could be rooted in the movement of the lights of the orion Job 38:31. In order to understand the advent, Hannuka & the feast of dedication may need to understand the (astronomy) the movement of the celestial beings ( planets, etcc) 1Corinthians 15:40
The Advent is a period during the months of November and December that lead up to Christmas ( the appearance of the brightest star in the Orion - the Sirius light). The church of Rome and protestant churchs first observed these weeks before the appearance of the star of the east or when the Magi saw the child Jesus. During this period the United states of America observes what is called Thanksgivng while Judaism observes Hannukah and just like Hannukah the dates change according to the movement of the celestial bodies as seen in Genesis 1:14 and 1st Corinthians 15:40. The event covers 4 Sundays when the church reads biblical text regarding the events prior to the birth of Jesus.
your assignment: does Hannukah and Christmas ever occur during the same time?
During this study who want to find out what the ancient celebrations are during the Chislev (Kislev, Khislevz) of Nehmiah 1:1 Zec 7:1 ( the fourth day and ninth month of Kislev) this month is November - December!
5months after the course of Zecheriah and elizabeth Mary was conceived. In the month of September or Ocotber Leviticus 16:17 The day of Atonement Elizabeth got pregnant and five months later Mary conceived Luke chapter 1: 36 states Eizabeth was 6 months Possibly October pregnant when Mary conceived.
In the 6month Mary conceived THis is either February or March (Adar) civil calendar or august September the 6th month of the Sacred ( Eul) It seems Mary conceived during the month of Nisan> I am sure Mary was pregnant in March and gave birth nine months later In december Luke chaper 1 confirms she was pregnant in teh 6month and this is the month of Adar
If the new year is Janauray than the 6th month is June or July NOT IT!
Both of these passages mention fasting both are sending people to the temple to speak to the Lord hesearchia possibly Africa but that might be complicated because so much if Africa is now Islamic. I would look at the festivals of the Greek church and the church of Rome.