Saturday, March 9, 2024

Holy Days of (February - May)

SACRED SEASONS 2024 - Genesis 1:14

These sacred days take place during the months of what we know as February and June. This is a period of purification, introspection and self-refinement for all of the religions listed below. 



Palm Sunday, March 24th 

Good Friday, March 29th

Easter for the Christians, March 31

Pentecost, May 19


Mardi, Gras February 13


The Lentin, February 14 - March 28

Saint Patrick's  and the leprochan Day  March 17th


The Lentin - Megali - Sarakosti (Tessarakosti) April 22, - April 30

Easter, (Pesach) May 5th

Pentecost, June 23


Ramadan March 10 - April 9 


Purim, March 23 - March 24

Seder 16th Nisson

Passover, April 22 

Seifrat HaOmer, April 23 - June 11


Nigeria is celebrating Mothers Day March 19th

The first day of spring can occur on the March 19th, 20thor 21st

Dring this week in biblical Africa the rulers celebrated the ancient mother of resurrection, reconialian, healing and miracles with a feast day

Her name is Ysys or Asyse. Her symbols are the knot, dove and lotus. 


The Months in the land of Ham/Kama are called Purmutt, Pachons, Payni (Horus), Epipi the Season covers four months, and it is called Shemu, each month 30 days. 

The Hebrew calendar is Adar, Nisan, Iyar and Sivan (each month 29 days)


 The purpose for the traditions and rituals during these months are similar but what was going on in Indigenous Africa during biblical times, I mean all the way back to Noah and Adam? During this period the Ark of the ancestor, Noah was opened and his family, all 8 left the ark during this season and the new world order began. 

This would be considered a new year for the family of Noah/Noach and it takes place during the first week of Spring but somehow this miracle has been overlooked by the Church of Rome, is it because Noah was not their ancestor? Why do you think the miracle of the ark has been overlooked?

For those of you who believe in Jesus, do you believe Jesus and the apostles observed the miracle of the Ark of Noah, the ancestor? 


16   March 1.       Going forth of Khepri.  Forgiveness 

17 March 2 Going forth of Set, Son of Nut (could be Mercury)

19 March 4 Feast of Ra in His Barge at Heliopolis (movement of the Sun) 

27 March 12  End of the World by Sekhmet (sun disc)

29 March 14 Adoration of Uneffer, Asar, Wesir, Ausar (Sirius) 

30 March 15 Offerings to Ra (sun), Wasir (Sirius), Heru (sun and moon), Ptah (moon-Jupiter) Sokar (light) and Atum (disc of the sun)

Saturday, March 2, 2024

zodiac in the book of revelation

 Revelation 6:1-6


Revelation 6: 2-5 includes the zodiac signs of Sagittarius, Scorpio and Libra, why do you think the writer is using the zodiac? Genesis 1:14 instructs Adam to use the lights of the universe to determine time etc... 

Sagittarius, Scorpio and Libra represent the months of September through December but what message is John trying to relay in this letter?  Your answer is dependent on if you believe Revelation is a prophecy or a testimony. A prophecy defines future events, a testimony is what has already taken place. If Revelation is a testimony, then the anti-Christ was already in power, and the Christians were communicating ways that the Romans (the enemy) were unable to comprehend. Revelation is full of symbols, and it is coded. 

Revelation 6:2   A white horse and he that sat in him had a bow (Sagittarius) 
November - December

Revelation 6:4 the red horse and he was given a great sword (Scorpion) 
October -November one of the original images of the scorpion was a woman with a spear and we should consider the image of scorpion king. 

Revelation 6:5 third seal black horse; he that sat on him had a pair of balances (Libra)     
September - October

For those of you who are familiar with the zodiac it is moving in the opposite direction of what we know. This is also one of the signs of the rule of the anti-Christ, it does things opposite of the Christ. Pay attention to the world around you and the difference between BCE and Ad. The anti-Christ does not create it discovers what existed.

We must interpret the bible through the Lense of the ancient world not through the Lense of the translators. 

The sword in the Jewish bible is cherev gedolah  the latin is gladius magnus.

ZODIAC signs named for celestial meridian, constellations, stars,  

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