non-violence as the first resolution
Noah and the Pharaohs
Exodus 7 - 11 chapter
Does your bible study present the Pharoah as evil and an enemy of creator God? Based on the scriptures and history it is possible that each Pharoah practiced different styles of governing, but the covenant of Noah is at the center of their governing.
This is evident in how the diplomacy they used while interacting with Moses during the plague. Moses ran out of Africa into Arabia because so he would not have to stand trial for murder (genesis 9). The covenant of Noah says that a man or animal would be held accountable for shedding blood. verse 5
Rebuked the liars
Genesis 12:18-20
Denounced adultery
Genesis 12:19
The Pharaohs fed the hungry
Genesis 12:10; Genesis 43:1
Elevated lower classes to prominence
Genesis 41 & 45
Gave Shelter to the homeless
Genesis 43:1
Taught the immigrants their crafts
Genesis 47:5-7
Adopted immigrants into their & community
Exodus 2:6,10
Practiced diplomacy
Exodus 7–11
Exodus 1:19-22
Provides evidence that the Pharaohs had more authority than the Priest and Kings. According to history there are times when Egypt and the Nile civilization was ruled by more than one Pharaoh at a time. In Exodus chapter 1 the lower region of the Nile was ruled by an invading group of Pharaohs called Hyksos while the upper region was ruled by the family that adopted Moses.
We should keep in mind that the murder of the first-born animals and humans by the Lord's destroyer is in violation of the covenant of Noah. Genesis 6:11 and Genesis 9:5-6
Psalm 23
Thy Rod and thy staff are also symbols of the Pharoah, whose ancestor is called the Kantiamentu or Kanatawamanatawa or Wata-nama-wata-naka, both names including the ancient sound for the word watar. Possibly representing the many names of their first king, and Noah the shephard and carpenter who the hebrews called Yenachmanu, it would be pronounced Wanakamanu. This name includes the same symbols of Kantiamentu ancestor of the Pharaohs. Jesus of Nazareth identified as the Good Shepherd John 10:1.
Let’s keep in mind that Jesus, as a child was sent to the Nile civilization for safety!
Matthew 2:13.
There are good rulers and bad there are good shepherds and bad shepherds. Which of the Gods of the bible are operating outside of the covenant of Noah. Do your own research to determine if the symbols of Christianity are also the symbols of Noah, the Pharoahs and the Nile Civilization. Please share your thoughts.